(AY2018/2019, Sem 2) NUS EC2102 Macroeconomic Analysis I Review

Module Title: Macroeconomic Analysis I
Module Code: EC2102
Taken in AY2018/2019, Semester 2.
Lecturer: Dr. Seet Min Kok
Tutorial: Undergraduate TA

Tutorial Participation

Mid Term


Final Grade: A-

What is it about?

     EC2102 is an introductory module to Macroeconomics covering tools such as AD-AS analysis and IS-LM-FE model.

     Students are assessed through Participation, Mid Term, and Final. For Participation, it's based on presentation and each student has to present at least two times in order to attain higher participation points. For Mid Term, there are a mix of MCQs and SAQs. The MCQs are a bit tricky but do-able while the SAQs focus a lot on models and they are relatively hard. Final consists of only SAQs and the SAQs are harder than what's tested for Mid Term. However, there is still a huge emphasis placed on model.


     Mr. Seet is super clear in his explanation and taking EC2102 under him will give you a more qualitative understanding of the topic. For both Mid Term and Final, the SAQs are rather hard. To score for this module, the only tip I can give you is to re-do your tutorials thoroughly and make sure that you know how to draw the models as he won't be giving you any practice paper. Textbook is not essential though it can aid in your understanding. It is web-casted so feel free to skip the lectures. As for tutorial, please be prepared for it so you can have a better understanding of the topic at hand.

     I would say that this module is rather competitive. Though I performed extremely well for Mid Term (unexpectedly), and put in the same effort for Final, I didn't score as well as expected for the latter. It's either I screwed up Final without realising or that other people are putting in considerably more effort than me.

     All in all, EC2102 is a fun module. The workload is moderate to heavy. One must really understand the topic in order to attain a good grade for it. It's a compulsory module, so the only thing you have to consider is whether to take it under Mr. Seet or under the other lecturer whom take a more quantitative approach to this module. However, I would say that I don't regret taking EC2102 under Mr. Seet and I hope to take modules taught by him in the future. (*Update*: After having taken modules under both Mr. Seet and Mr. Wong, I would say that they are both good so your decision will really be based on whether you are a more quantitative person or a more qualitative one.)




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