(AY2017/2018, Sem 1) NUS PL2131 : Research and Statistics I Review

Module Title: Research and Statistics I
Module Code: PL2131
Taken in AY2017/2018, Semester 1.
Lecturer: Stephen Lim

Capstone Assignment
Mid-term Test
Final Grade: A

What is it about?

     PL2131 is an essential psychology statistics module. Topics covered include causation, confounding factors, hypothesis testing, T-test, Z-test, Chi-Square, Correlation and Regression.

     Students are assessed through Capstone Assignment (group project), Mid-term test and Finals. For capstone assignment, groups are required to answer the list of questions given. For Mid-term test, students are allowed to bring in a piece of cheat sheet and are required to answer 60 MCQs in total. The questions are generally easy, with 50/60 being the average score. For Finals, students are allowed to bring in 2 pieces of cheat sheet and are required to answer a mix of MCQs, SAQs as well as a mini essay question. The questions are much harder and many screwed up the exam. Doing past year examination papers is a must (despite it having no suggested answers) as it mentally prepares one for the exam. Furthermore, the questions are repeated, albeit in a different context.


     Professor Lim lectures are easy to follow as he focuses on areas students generally do not understand. According to others' review, Professor Lim syllabus is much easier (which also means that the bell-curve is steeper) as compared to the other lecturer that takes this module.

      PL2131 is not as competitive as other psychology modules. Many are out to S/U this module which makes it easier for those who are slightly more mathematically-inclined to score well.

      Textbook is not essential and reading the lecture slides is sufficient.

      I didn't do particularly well for the Capstone Assignment as well as the Mid-term test. What got me an A was the Finals. I was prepared for the Finals as I did all the past-year examination papers. Some of the questions were repeated and I literally copy-paste my crafted answers onto the answer sheet (as it is open book).




  1. hello! i'd like to ask you sth regarding this mod, how can i contact you?


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